DENVER – The Wall Street Journal recently quoted University of Colorado Denver faculty member Jahangir Karimi for an article discussing small business’ use of cloud computing, and some of the problems they may face. Dr. Karimi is a Professor and the Director of Information Systems Programs at the CU Denver Business School. The article discussed the fact that while using the cloud can help small business become more lean and efficient in many ways, it can also cause some unintended and unplanned-for issues.

The article outlines several strategies for small businesses to evaluate whether or not moving business functions to the cloud actually will save money and headache for owners. Some of the drawbacks associated with larger reliance on the cloud include the need for more bandwidth, keeping data backed-up on-site, and the continued need for IT support.

Small business owners and other professionals can benefit greatly from an education in information systems. In fact, Forbes recently listed Master’s degree in Information Systems (IS) as the best option for job opportunities (read more here). To gain an edge with your business or career, the CU Denver Business School offers several options for professionals to receive the most relevant forward-looking education possible.

Find out more about the Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS)
Find out more about an MBA with an Information Systems specialization
Find out more about a Bachelor’s of Science degree with an emphasis in Information Systems
Find out about post-graduate certificates in Information Systems




Read the full article on the Wall Street Journal website

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