DENVER – The University of Colorado Denver Business School is pleased to announce the first faculty awards from the Tom and Jane Petrie Faculty Development Fund. The selection committee, chaired by Dr. Marcelle Arak, reviewed an impressive number of proposals before choosing award recipients. The quality of proposals received by the selection committee, which also included Dr. Ajeyo Banerjee and Dr. Woody Eckard, made decisions difficult, but the committee ultimately made the following awards:
- Dr. Jian Yang was given an award to attend the Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis or another conference dedicated to commodities.
- Dr. John Byrd and Dr. Beth Cooperman were each given an award to pursue their project “Climate Stabilization, Context-based Sustainability and Stranded Assets: An Examination of Publicly–traded Coal Companies”.
- Dr. Gary Kochenberger was given an award to pursue his project “UCD Commodity Portfolio Model”.
- Dr. Takeshi Nishikawa and Dr. Rina Ray were each given an award to pursue their project “Do Commodity Extractors Make Optimal Timing Decisions: Evidence from the Mining and the Oil and Gas Industry”.
Congratulations to all of the recipients of the Tom and Jane Petrie Faculty Development Awards.
For more information about any of the projects mentioned above, contact the respective faculty member(s):