University of Colorado – Denver Business School Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) students recently participated in a two-week intensive course in Denver, including class lectures, presentations, and case studies, to prepare them to experience global risk management in the non-traditional Excess and Surplus Lines Market. The class then traveled to London, June 1-7, 2015, attended presentations from insurance brokers, risk management companies, Lloyds of London, and reinsurers to learn how risk is transferred globally. Students were given the rare opportunity to sit in the underwriting “boxes” at Lloyds of London and observe transactions between Lloyds underwriters and brokers. Most students felt this was the highlight of the course. It was a distinctive immersion in the field of global risk management and insurance.
Twenty graduate and undergraduate students participated, accompanied by Dave Wood, Visiting RMI Professor, and Lori Genuchi, RMI Program Manager. In addition to their busy days learning about the industry in London, students took time to tour London’s famous landmarks and museums, and see plays in the West End.
The class is sponsored with a generous donation by the Surplus Lines Association of Colorado.
The application period is now open for students interested in enrolling in the Maymester 2016 Global Risk Management course. Contact lori.genuchi@ucdenver.edu for details.