Before beginning his studies at CU Denver, Travis Tung already had a promising career, holding several important positions in both the public and private sector. In the former role, he served as an accountant for the City and County of Denver’s Department of Human Services (DHS), where he oversaw the distribution, classification, and general reporting of specific government benefits extended to the department’s clients.
After his time at the DHS, Tung was hired by a major Fortune 500 company, TIAA, as a Tax Reporting Specialist. In his new role, Tung was responsible for ensuring the accurate distribution of withholding tax to a complex web of State, Local, and Federal agencies. Despite his early success in the taxation field, Tung says that he worried about his career plateauing, “Both of my former careers did not afford the opportunity to work under the direct supervision of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Because my ultimate goal was to earn this [CPA] credential and work specifically in public accounting, I did not foresee the ability to transition without furthering my education.”
“Both of my former careers did not afford the opportunity to work under the direct supervision of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Because my ultimate goal was to earn this [CPA] credential and work specifically in public accounting, I did not foresee the ability to transition without furthering my education.” – Travis Tung
Realizing that he wanted to pursue a Masters in Taxation, Tung began his search for the perfect graduate program. After scoping out various graduate schools, Tung narrowed down his choices to DU and CU Denver. Faced with a difficult decision, Tung said that he ultimately chose CU Denver because he wanted to be a part of an emerging program. “I felt that it was the ideal circumstance–because the program was relatively new, my input would be valued.” Tung also added that his relationship with Eric Zinn, Director of the Taxation Program, was a major factor in his decision to attend CU Denver. “He was the first person that I met in the program, and he was passionate and excited for it to develop.”
During his time as a graduate student at CU Denver, Tung has passed two of the four rigorous CPA exams, and determined that his interests within the field of taxation lie in flow-through entities, a discovery he made after attending some of Zinn’s inspiring lectures.
Graduating this December, Tung said that taking part in CU Denver’s Masters in Taxation program was an excellent experience, one that provided him with the tools he needed actualize his career goals. Recently, Tung accepted a position with RubinBrown, a CPA firm located in Lower Downtown Denver, where he will serve as a tax accountant starting in January of 2017.
Reflecting on the MS Taxation program, Tung said, “I feel that the quality of my education was top-notch and positioned me well for furthering my career. I am most pleased with the interest the professors had in making sure I got the most out of my time here. They were always willing to expand upon concepts, and offer personal experiences to enhance the education I received. Many went above and beyond to help students locate employment, introducing them (including myself) to a network of influential individuals, and providing relevant speakers during the semester to add to our overall experience. Furthermore, all of my classes were a very open environment, in which questions and debate were both accepted and promoted.”
“I feel that the quality of my education was top-notch and positioned me well for furthering my career.” – Travis Tung