Grecia Portillo is wrapping up an exciting year as CU Denver’s student body president.As she prepares for graduation this weekend, during which she will share the excitement via CU Denver social media channels (see sidebar below), CU Denver Today sat down with her to see how she was feeling about the occasion and her plans for the future.
What are your plans after graduation?

That’s a good question. I don’t have 100 percent plans. I’m not really rushing into anything yet. I think life’s too short to be somewhere I don’t want to be, so I don’t want to just dive into any job. I know I could go to graduate school, but I don’t want to do it right away. I think I’d like to do that in the next year or two. I have also been interviewing for jobs. I’m going to Hong Kong in June as part of the Dragon Boat Festival. It’s the first time a CU Denver team has been invited to go abroad. I’m excited about that. But as of right now, my calendar is pretty open immediately after graduation.
What about graduation are you most excited about?
I’m excited about not having homework. But I’m really excited to see where my degree can take me. I worked so hard for a reason – I studied International Business – and I’m excited to see what possibilities I have worldwide.