DENVER – The Risk and Insurance Management Society (RIMS) is holding their annual worldwide conference in Denver from April 27th through the 30th, 2014. The event, which is expected to draw over 10,000 risk industry professionals from around the world, will primarily hold events at the Colorado Convention Center. At the Convention Center, the Risk Management and Insurance (RMI) Program at the University of Colorado Denver Business School will have its own display booth, sponsored by the University of Colorado Risk Management and corporate partners that support the program. As part of the conference, RIMS will hold several events at the CU Denver Business School: a nod to the profile and importance of the school’s RMI program.
Included in the RIMS program are workshops on enterprise risk management and contractual risk transfer, which will be held at the CU Denver Business School building. In addition, on Saturday evening, April 26, the CU Denver Beta Mu chapter of the international risk management, insurance and actuarial science service fraternity Gamma Iota Sigma will receive its charter and have its members inducted. This is a particularly great achievement for students Scott Starita, Dylan Maney, and Kirill Buzinov, who have been working to gain a charter for CU Denver since June, 2013.
Beyond simply hosting events, the Business School will be actively involved in the 2014 RIMS Conference. The Rocky Mountain Chapter of RIMS is helping to bolster the education of RMI students by sponsoring up to 20 of their CU Denver student members to attend the conference. In addition, two RMI faculty members—John Daley and David Young—along with Carter Boardman, risk manager at Merrick & Company, will present a session on fostering university and industry ties as part of the conference.
The RMI program participation in the RIMS conference is part of the program’s continuing effort to stay at the forefront of the industry. The RMI Program at CU Denver has already been referenced by Bloomberg Businessweek, honored as a Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers’ (CIAB) Foundation for Agency Management Excellence (FAME) school, and has been named by the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP) to the GARP Partnership for Risk Education.
For more information about the RMI program at the CU Denver Business School, visit the program’s homepage.
For more information about the RIMS 2014 Conference, visit the official website.