The Business School at the University of Colorado Denver has recently announced it will offer its first continuing professional education (CPE) course for tax professionals. The course is entitled “Recent Proposed Treasury Regulations Affecting the Taxation of Partnership Loss Transfers and Mandatory Basis Adjustments under Subchapter K.” The purpose of the course is to provide participants with a basic understanding of Internal Revenue Code sections 704(c)(1)(C), 743(d), and 734(d), and how to apply the regulations to affecting partners and partnerships.
The course will be taught by Eric Zinn, Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado Denver Business School, in the Accounting Program, and at the University of Colorado Boulder College of Law. Zinn currently teaches Advanced Individual Income Taxation, Partnership Taxation, Advanced Partnership Taxation, and Tax Research at the University of Colorado Denver, and Partnership Taxation at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Beyond offering professionals a chance to earn accredited continuing education credits, the course will help to build a scholarship fund for accounting, finance, and information systems. All proceeds from course registrations will go into CU Denver’s Theta Sigma Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi (BAP) Scholarship fund.
The University of Colorado is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors.
Visit the official course page for more information and to register for this CPE course.