Writing Center to start holding instructional sessions at Business School
Writing a paper is as fundamental to college life as coffee (or energy drinks), pizza, and lecture halls. While crucial to the college experience, writing can be one of the most grueling experiences for most of us, yet it is an imperative skill that we all must possess. Think of life after college – how many status reports, emails, or even formal proposals will need to be written? The answer is unclear, however if you end up in one of the many jobs that use a computer, chances are you will be writing .
The good news is that there are resources on campus to help such as the Writing Center. Furthermore, these resources are now becoming an integrated part of the Business School.
Starting in Fall 2015, the Writing Center will now offer appointments for individuals and small groups in the Business School lobby near the Lawrence Street entrance. Writing consultants who specialize in essays, proposals, business plans, and more will be available to all undergraduate and graduate students Monday-Thursday.
If you cannot make some of these times at the Business School, the Writing Center also offers online writing assistance with a live option offered during normal Business School hours and 6-10 PM every day, as well as a Dropbox service for graduate students with a four-day turn around period.
In addition to the 50 minute sessions, the Writing Center also offers great resources to all students that can be found here, and check out the free workshops for additional help.
Although writing can literally be the bane of one’s existence, it doesn’t have to be. The Writing Center is a great resource for anyone at any writing level and seeks to empower students in their college experience. So keep your coffee cups full and the pizza coming, here’s to college life and writing more papers!
The hours of the writing center at the Business School are as follows:
- Mondays and Wednesdays: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 6 p.m.
To make an appointment at the Business School location, select Business School: Denver Campus from the drop down menu of WCOnline, the online scheduler. Limited walk-in appointments are available; scheduling an appointment in advance is strongly recommended.