Undergraduate courses
New Course with Mr. Eric for Spring 2018:
RISK 4709: Life & Health Insurance
Eric Reiner – Tuesday/Thursday 2:00 pm- 3:15 pm
This course introduces students to life and health insurance concepts and policy types, with an emphasis on insurance planning for individuals and businesses. The insurance industry and trends within it are also explored.
Pre-requisites: FNCE 3000 and RISK 3809 with a grade of at least a C.
FNCE 1000: Introduction to Careers in Risk Management and Insurance
Cindy Baroway – Monday 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
This course introduces students to the many and varied career opportunities in the risk management and insurance industry via visiting industry professionals and on-site industry visits.
This course meets 1 hour each week. It is pass/fail.
RISK 3809: Introduction to Risk Management
Eric Reiner – Online
Jeungbo Shim, Assistant Professor – Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 pm- 4:45 pm
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of risk and risk management for businesses and individuals. Corporate risk management techniques covered range from insurance to enterprise risk management. Personal risks discussed range from unemployment to retirement. Insurance carrier operations are also considered.
Corequisite: FNCE 3000
RISK 4129: Enterprise Risk Management
David Young – Wednesday 6:30 pm – 9:15 pm
Enterprise risk management involves identifying the risks and opportunities faced by a
firm, assessing them, developing and implementing a plan to address them, and then monitoring progress. In this course, students will learn the basics of ERM while working with risk management professionals to develop and present such a plan to an ongoing business.
RISK 4809: Property & Casualty Insurance
Cindy Baroway – Online
Students learn the fundamentals and uses of personal and commercial and property casualty insurance, including cost and pricing issues. Insurance company financial management and current trends in the insurance industry are also explored.
FNCE 4909: Corporate Risk Management
John Daley – Online
This course provides an overview of the corporate risk management process. It considers the ways companies identify their risk exposures, the tools used to measure and mitigate those exposures including the latest developments in alternative risk transfer, and ultimately, how risk management adds value to the firm.
Prerequisite: RISK 3809, Corequisite: FNCE 4809
Graduate courses
RISK 6129: Enterprise Risk Management
David Young – Wednesday 6:30 pm – 9:15 pm
Enterprise risk management involves identifying the risks and opportunities faced by a firm, assessing them, developing and implementing a plan to address them, and then monitoring progress. In this course, students will learn the basics of ERM while working with risk management professionals to develop and present such a plan to an ongoing business
RISK 6309: Strategic Risk Management
John Daley – Online
Strategy charts the course of the firm from the present into the future. Strategic risk management seeks to manage the risks to that strategy. Sounds simple, until you realize that many of those risks are either unknown or unknowable. Managing them requires a new set of tools – the subject of this course.
RISK 6809: Principals of Risk Management & Insurance
Jeungbo Shim – Tuesday 6:30 pm- 9:15 pm
This course prepares students for advanced work in insurance and risk management. The course first covers the nature of risk and risk fundamentals, insurer operations, and insurance regulation. It then considers the principal techniques of managing risk exposures and the basis of decision making in management of business and personal risks.
Corequisite: BUSN 6640
RISK 6909: Corporate Risk Management
John Daley – Online
This course provides an overview of the corporate risk management process. It considers the ways companies identify their risk exposures, the tools used to measure and mitigate those exposures including the latest developments in alternative risk transfer, and ultimately, how risk management adds value to the firm.
Prerequisite: BUSN 6640