The Beta Mu chapter of the University of Colorado Denver was initiated into Gamma Iota Sigma, the fraternity for students of insurance, risk management and actuarial science, in a ceremony held Saturday night ahead of the Risk & Insurance Management Society Inc.’s annual conference and exhibition.

The new chapter is the 60th to join GIS, which chartered its first chapter in 1966 and boasts an annual membership of more than 2,100 students and an alumni population of over 20,000.
“On Jan. 25, 2014, after a rigorous application process, the vote of the grand chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma to award a college chapter charter to the University of Colorado Denver was unanimous,” Noelle Codispoti, executive director of GIS, told the assembled students and conference attendees. “This evening, Gamma Iota Sigma reaches another milestone in its rich history as we welcome Beta Mu as the 60th charter.”
Sueann R. Ambron, dean at University of Colorado Denver Business School, said that by helping to cultivate student interest, the GIS chapter was a natural extension of the school’s mission.
“GIS is dedicated to helping students prepare for careers in risk management, insurance and actuarial science,” Ms. Ambron said. “The motto is connecting top talent with industry. Indeed many employers look for membership in GIS when hiring.”