This semester we introduced you to four students, who took over our Instagram (@CUDenBusiness) for the semester to share what it means to be a CU Denver Business School student. As we say goodbye to our brand advocates, we asked them to reflect back on the past couple of months and their time as a brand advocate. A big thank you goes out to all four of them for sharing their stories with us!
Ash Bauer: #AshInTheCity
This semester was a whirlwind to say the least. I started a new job at Nordstrom, I went to Italy, I made so many new friends, and I learned a lot of things. I made strides in being social and getting to know new people instead of solely focusing on work and school, which in turn has made going to school everyday very exciting. Finishing my junior year is bittersweet. I’m very excited to graduate and move on to better things in life, but my friends all recently graduated. I’m excited to travel next spring/summer, and look forward to traveling this summer. I think that life has a funny way of showing you what is important at different points. I think this semester proved to be more beneficial socially as I became more involved with Portfolio Management Group, Business Student Ambassador Committee, and the brand advocate program. I wouldn’t trade this semester for anything.
Sofia Mazo: #SofiaInTheCity

Alexi Huppenthal: #AlexiInTheCity

This semester started with my Business School Entrepreneurship course in Havana, Cuba where I got to speak with Cuban entrepreneurs. I attended several Information Systems Association events and the Business School clubs fair. When spring break came along, I went on a trip to Europe with a couple friends from the Business School. Now I am writing this from Belize on the Management service learning course. Overall, this semester the business school has helped me learn gain exposure to new cultures this semester.
Navya Roy: #NavyaInTheCity

Being a brand advocate leader has been a remarkable experience. I loved exploring the beautiful city that I lived in for purposes of taking pictures. This experience made me grow to love the Business School so much more that I even thought would be possible. I love the Business School for its non-traditional values, and constant willingness to help its students grow. I have been more involved this semester than I was in the previous semesters and this semester, I practically lived at the Business School but it made me grow phenomenally, that ended up landing me multiple internship opportunities and a mentorship for the summer. Our Business School is very unique because we genuinely care for each other and want each other to succeed. They specifically are able to bring in many resources because we are literally located in the middle of all the businesses. I know, going to Business Student Ambassador Committee, is my biggest community involvement from getting this brand advocate to getting the mentorship for the summer with our Business School alumni. I have gotten to know phenomenal people and have been very lucky from being their chair to, now, being an executive chair in the club. I love CU Denver, and I am so lucky to call this my school.