Why should you join a club?
Student clubs and organizations are a great way to get involved on campus. Joining can connect you with like-minded individuals, people in the same career paths or programs, and also push you out of your comfort zone. Clubs focus on a variety of topics: academic, cultural, faith/spiritual, service, professional development, and more. They are a great way to meet a variety of goals, whether you want to make more friends, further your education, or try something new. Some additional reasons to join a student organization are:
- You’ll get the chance to work with a diverse group of people. It’s always a good idea to expand your horizons and get to know people with different majors, skills, backgrounds, and ideas.
- You can gain leadership experience. Most clubs have a president, plus club officers with roles like treasurer, event planner, marketer, and more. These leadership opportunities help you get involved and have meaningful college experiences, and they look great on a resume. “It has been a good way to gain leadership and event planning experience, and I’m excited about several of the upcoming events we’re putting on,” said Lauren Duff, President of Health Administration Student Organization (HASO).
- You’ll have the advantage in the job market. Employers love to see that students are involved and often are hosted at club events.
- Membership can help you in your job search- showing that you’ve been involved in your field of study, especially for entry-level positions. Clubs also offer networking opportunities and connect you with the professional world, which can help you secure jobs and internships.
“The most rewarding part of being a club member is the diversity in the events and activities we have.,” Michael Greenlee, President Society of Human Resource Management Student Chapter (SHRM).
How to Join:
So you’re interested in joining a student club. What now? MyLynx is the home of all CU Denver clubs. Simply login using your CU Denver credentials. Here you can browse the many clubs available to not just Business, but all CU Denver students. Once you find a club that interests you, select it to see details like organizational purpose, meeting times and locations, and view contact information.
Keep in mind that you do not have officially join some organizations to go to a meeting and see whether or not it seems like a good fit. “Expressing an initial curiosity for a club and getting involved is the best way to open doors,” said Hans Mortimer, President of the Students Center for the Public Trust (CPT). Also remember that some clubs require applications, selection processes, annual membership dues, and minimum GPAs. You can select Contact at the top of each club page to have any questions answered. Joining clubs is a lot easier than you might think and the rewards of putting yourself out there are worth it!
“Don’t hesitate,” advises Kamryn Brothers, President of Beta Alpha Psi. “At first, I did and it lead me to wishing I would’ve joined sooner.”

Business School Organizations
There are 18 student clubs associated with the Business School. These clubs encompass topics like accounting, marketing, international business, human resources, eSports, and more.
Beta Alpha Psi- Theta Sigma Chapter (BAP)
Beta Alpha Psi is the premier professional business and financial information fraternity. They cater mostly to accounting, finance, and IS students. They provide the opportunity to further one’s education through networking among students, faculty, and professionals. They meet weekly, require a selection process, and dues for membership.
Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International. Membership is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a program accredited by AACSB International. Membership is lifelong.
Beta Mu- Gamma lota Sigma Chapter (GIS)
GIS is the student organization focused on risk management, insurance, actuarial sciences, and finance majors. They offer exclusive professional development opportunities through networking events, professional panels, and various industry conferences. They meet bi-weekly. Applications are required to become a member as are membership dues.
Business Student Ambassador Committee (BSAC)
BSAC is an organization of outstanding business students working to support leadership, build connections, align perspectives, and continuing education. They meet once a month for a general meeting to discuss and plan future events for the club. An application process and semester dues are required to join.
Esports is a growing industry, and the CU Denver Esports Club offers the opportunity to learn more about this industry through playing games and discussion. They meet once a week and anyone can join for free.
CU Denver Marketing Club works to be a resource to students interested in the marketing industry. They offer networking opportunities through members, officers, local marketing professionals, career services, and other entities. The organization is open to all CU Denver students. They meet monthly.
The Golden Key International Honor Society provides resources for student honorary members for leadership, service to the community, scholarships, and online career and graduate school fairs. This organization focuses on helping students stand out and make a difference with service. There are criteria for joining and an annual fee to be a member. They meet twice a week.
Health Administration Student Organization (HASO)
HASO represents the Health Administration student body. They organize social events, lead new student orientation, and regularly meet with alumni and faculty to facilitate networking opportunities, and events. They meet twice a week.
Information Systems Association (ISA)
ISA provides its members networking, career development, and professional development opportunities. Events include guest lectures, company tours, panels, social events, and networking events. It is open to all CU Denver students and meets twice a week.
International Business Student Network (IBSN)
IBSN brings students who are interested in international business together with executives, government officials, and organizations conducting high-levels of international business. The no-cost membership includes monthly meetings, newsletters, forums, internship and job opportunities, mentorships, and an active Facebook page! This group is open to all students.
Innovators Outreach Network (ION)
This club is open to all students. It allows student entrepreneurs to network and gain access to resources in the Jake Jabs Center for Entrepreneurship.
Portfolio Management Group (PMG)
PMG strives to equip students with tools to perform equity research and analytical skills to evaluate market conditions. New members start as Junior Analysts who creates recommendations on companies and present them to the club. After this, there is an opportunity to move up as a member of the executive team. This group is open to all CU Denver students and meets weekly.
Society for Human Resource Management Student Chapter (SHRM)
SHRM consists of undergrad and graduate students who have an interest in human resource management and business management. There are opportunities for networking with business people, faculty, and fellow students, as well as scholarships, internships, and employment. There is a membership selection process and annual dues. This clubs meets once a month.
The goal of this club is to further members’ interest in the sports and entertainment industries through educational career and networking opportunities. They create close ties with community, form relationships with industry-related companies/contacts, and are a source for employers to find qualified job and internship candidates. This club meets twice a week and anyone can join.
Student Center for the Public Trust (CPT)
CPT promotes ethical business thinking. Opportunities are provided for CPT student members to network with the business community while also developing professional leadership skills. This group meets twice a month and has annual dues.
Transamerica Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics Student Club
This club promotes leadership, teamwork, and communication skills in cybersecurity and digital forensics. Opportunities are given for experiential learning through hands-on exercises. Anyone can join this club and meetings are held monthly.
The Women in Business Club strives to build an inclusive community that supports and enables women by fostering a strong network and furthering gender equality. Members have access to speaker panels, networking, and social events, mentorship opportunities, skills workshops, and participation in conferences. This group meets twice a week and is open to all students.