At this year’s Holiday Potluck, the University of Colorado Denver Business School announced the 2016 faculty and staff awards along with the Laube Community Impact Award.
Faculty awards are given for excellence in research, excellence in teaching for tenure and non-tenure tracks, and excellence in service. A committee of past winners in each category review the annual reports of the faculty and make recommendations to the Dean. Along with $1,500, winners are then invited to submit their dossiers for inclusion in the campus competition for awards.
The following faculty members are the award recipients in their respective categories.

David Chandler, Assistant Professor of Management, has published five journal articles in the three-year window, including one book review in a very prominent outlet, which was unique in its level of detail and contribution to theory. Two of the articles are high-level “A” publications. On top of these already strong accomplishments, Chandler has been extremely involved in research-oriented panels and presentations at the field’s annual conference as well as in other outlets, and has a very long pipeline of work in progress.
Teaching – Tenure Track

Michael Mannino, Associate Professor of Information Systems and Co-Director of the CSIS PhD Program, is recognized for his numerous teaching accomplishments over the review period. In addition to his strong classroom teaching record, he has worked over the review period to establish a very successful Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). In addition, he is instrumental in running half of the Business School PhD program, supervising and advising numerous PhD students.
Teaching – Non-tenure Track

Eric Reiner is a very competent instructor and is viewed very positively by his students as evidenced by his course evaluations (i.e., FCQ scores). Moreover, his service in academic duties, such as student advising, is outstanding. The committee’s first-hand observations of his interaction with students demonstrates he is always willing to provide assistance, guidance, and support. Over the past three years, he has published 21 articles in his professional specialty that have appeared in highly-regarded national publications. This work makes its way into the courses he teaches and significantly enhances the learning experience for his students.

Elizabeth Cooperman, Professor of Finance and Entrepreneurship, merits the award for her strong and silent service behind the scenes that keeps so many programs running, most notably the Managing for Sustainability program, MBA student association, campus promotion and tenure committee, and this year as interim chair of the Primary Unit. She seems to never say no, even when it would be justified.
The Laube Community Impact Award is given out to one staff member and one faculty member at the Business School. The $2,500 award was established in 2005 by David Laube, Board of Advisor’s Chariman from 2002-2006. The recipients of this award are recognized for engaging in activities that promote visibility and improve the reputation of the Business School within the business community. The following faculty and staff members are the award recipients.
Merrily “Missy” Kautt, Instructor of International Business, has worked with the business community to provide students with opportunities to learn-by-doing through international business consulting projects, mentorships, and internships. She has led business consulting projects with more than six companies during the past four years. Most recently she was instrumental in obtaining 20 full scholarships for students to travel to Japan. In addition, she has been past chair of the board of Global Energy Management.
Malena Brohm has a long-established relationship with our Business School Board of Advisors. This has resulted in a continued high level of commitment from the board. She is the prime support person each year for the Celebration of Success banquet. She also has an excellent relationship with the Downtown Denver Partnership, which helps foster the awareness of the Business School within the community. Her many years of dedication to the Business School and community are to be recognized.
Please join us in congratulating our worthy faculty and staff. Our thanks also goes to the committee members.